Prairie Rose Plat 5


Prairie Rose Plat 5 homesites are sold to builders. These sites consist of 55' wide up to 80' wide walkout, daylight, and standard lots. Located to the east of Northwest High School and Triumph Park, Prairie Rose offers a short walk to the high school and easy access to the trail system. Minutes from area amenities, contact one of the many builders who have purchased lots in Prairie Rose today.


• STATUS: Lots sold to builders
• SCHOOLS: Waukee - contact school district for new boundary information
• CITY: Waukee
• COUNTY: Dallas
• MAINTENANCE ASSOCIATION*: Yes, 2025 dues are $200 per lot purchased, per year


FROM HICKMAN @ 10TH STREET: Drive north on N. 10th Street. Just past Northwest High School and Triumph Park, turn east onto Douglas Parkway. Drive a 1/2 mile east and you'll see Prairie Rose.

FROM HICKMAN @ WARRIOR LANE: Drive 3/4 a mile north on N. Warrior Lane. Turn west onto Douglas Parkway then drive a 1/4 mile west. Prairie Rose single-family homesites are on the north and south side of Douglas.


Final Plat 5

© 2025 Landmark Companies, Inc. *Maintenance Association fees are subject to change on an annual basis. Seller does not guarantee the information listed for these properties. All parties involved in the purchasing of lots are advised to verify the information by an appropriate professional. Prices are subject to change without notice. Please refer to Covenants for all information regarding the property and ask about any Homeowner's Association or Maintenance Association. Stephanie Rice is a licensed broker associate with Landmark Brokerage, Inc. in the State of Iowa. Map Data © Google Maps 2023.